Tuesday, September 13, 2022

This is probably the best phase of a relationship


How it must feel when someone travels great distance just to meet you. Just for your birthday. It's my friends birthday today and I called her at midnight pretty sure that her phone must be engaged as her boyfriend had probably called her to wish first. But when I called she picked up and said that her boyfriend is there preparing a surprise. I felt really happy for her but there was a kind of self pity right there also, because i am pretty sure nobody would ever do that for me. I don't think i am made for love. I am too annoying for it.


Yesterday I was listening to a beautiful song and I just realised that probably this is the best part of my love relationships. Being single before my first relationship. Because I get to listen to all the beautiful love Stories, songs, couplets without any bitter feeling because I have not experienced heartbreak yet. Now my potential love life is full of possibilities. He could be anybody. I think after being with someone it won't be the same. I will feel trapped, now anybody can be mine.

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