Saturday, September 10, 2022

Diaries of a Broken Person

Mariha was sitting on her bed, thinking, or more appropriately overthinking. She thought even after having so many thoughts, why isn't she able to make sense of any of them? Why it is so difficult to actually start working towards them. Why does she feel so burdened and tired?

Why do I want to write about myself as a third person? Another person because that is exhausting. I didn't even to write anymore. So, now I am not going to pretend like a third person. I am the main character of my life, and what I am even afraid of, People reading about this, let them read and let them also know what I think about them.

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Is there something wring with me? There is something wrong with me. Why can’t anybody like me? Why can’t i like anybody. It is different whe...