Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Diary Entry

 Okay, so i was perfectly neutral until now. I wasn't gonna write anything today, because what can you write when you are feeling neutral. But now I am feeling more towards the regret side on the scale of feelings. Actually i talk a lot, i mean i can't control it and instantly regret after saying some things. And that is what just happened. I talked a lot and said some things which i didn't want to say and now i am regretting it. And it is quite amusing, that i started talking about someone, saying that i didn't wanna talk about that someone. I hate this habit of mine. I really should stop talking unnecessarily. 

I wanted to write a quote about it i didn't know any so i googled and these are quite nice

Have more than you show.

Speak less than you know.

                    - William Shakespeare

Speak only when you feel your words are better than the silence.


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