Saturday, April 29, 2023

the choices that i have made

 ‘It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.’ - Dumbledore

Yes, I had to search the internet for the above quote, even though I knew what I wanted to put here, I didn't remember the exact quote, which is also a consequence of my choices.

So, today i was thinking that i really liked to read and write. i liked to read about poetry devices and i was only one in my class who knew the meaning of oxymoron, because i liked english and hindi. i liked stories and poems and how writing was the only passion that i had. this was only thing which helped me calm myself, or feel good when i was not feeling good. Then what happened, i am sure, but i think i thought that writing can be a hobby, or even a part time career, so i can do it later, and should now focus on securing my future. one think i a sure of is that i can be a good writer, i can practice and learn and actually be a decent writer. but the choices that i have made for myself are quite different and does not lead for me to become that. 

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