Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Why is life so fcuking complicated??

 Why the hell is life so freaking complicated. I know what I am about to say is really a fairy tale, maybe not even that because it also has a bad person, maybe my idea of ideal world. I think of this earth as one house with no money at all and no power, I think that we all live like humans for once and not robots. And all the resources are equally distributed, everybody take turns doing the shittiest jobs, as well as the pleasant ones. Each person on this earth is sleeping with their belly full. Even while writing this, I know it is dumb, like a 4 year old would think but that is just an idea, however impossible.

Now coming to complications of life...Let's say that you don't have an interest in the field you are studying, and you are miserable. Simple life would consider all the given parameters and leave that course in search of the one that interests you. But we add complications to it, by adding parameters like what would other people say, I need to live a secure life and this will provide me with it etc. etc.

It is everywhere, like when you have an exam, simple answer is go study, but is it that simple?

No, freaking noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

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